Raspberry Leaf Tea |
The common garden raspberry-rubus idaeus is part of the rose family and grows from late spring to mid summer. Often people choose to cultivate the shrub for its berries, but you can also find it growing wild in woodland areas. While there is no doubt that the deliciously sweet berries are the most popular part of the raspberry plant (the syrup from the fruit is even used to flavor many medicines), many herb experts know that the leaves are valuable as well. The curative powers of raspberry leaves were first recorded by the Roman historian Pliny in the year 37 A.D.. Then, as today, the leaves were used to make raspberry leaf tea, which helped various intestinal problems, diarrhea in particularly. In addition, drinking raspberry leaf tea has been shown to alleviate menstrual complaints and bronchitis. For a sore throat or inflamed mouth, gargle with the lukewarm water.
Preparation of the Tea
In order to take full advantage of the healing components in raspberry leaves, it is best to steep the dried, crushed leaves in cold water for a few hours, and then boil the mixture for 10 min. before straining. (Use 1 tsp. per cup of water.) Drink as many as 3 large mugs of the tea daily.
Therapeutic Effect:
The tannins in the raspberry leaf tea have an astringent effect, which gives the tea its anti-diarrheal and anti-inflammatory capabilities. It also helps stop bleeding. The tea makes a valuable nutritional contribution because it contains potassium, calcium, phosphorus and vitamins A and C.
Tannins for diarrhea
The abundant tannin content of raspberry leaves has an astringent effect on the intestinal walls, thereby helping the irritation caused by diarrhea. To ensure a high concentration of tannins in the tea you make, boil the leaves in water for at least 10 mins.
Folk Remedies
Raspberry leaf tea was traditionally used in folk medicine to treat wounds, purify the blood. Promote flow of bile and ease menstrual complaints, such as cramps. This tea is also valued for its ability to aid nausea and stomach upset, strengthen the gums and alleviate the symptoms of flu and tonsillitis.
Extra Tip : Raspberry leaf tea stimulates the uterus and is said to facilitate childbirth. Under your doctors supervision, drink 1 cup of raspberry leaf tea when contractions begin. Never drink the tea early in pregnancy.
Medicinal Uses
A wash for skin problems
A raspberry leaf decoction is a home remedy for inflamed or oozing skin. The tannins in the leaves can shrink blood vessels and stimulate skin regeneration. Because the decoction is a mild disinfectant, it can help prevent bacterial infections. To make the decoction, add 3 tbsp. of raspberry leaves to 1 qt. of water and boil for 10-15 min. Wash the affected parts of the skin with the mixture several times daily. Allow to cool.
A gargle for sore throat
For a sore throat or laryngitis, briefly boil 1 tsp. of raspberry leaves in 1 cup of water. Gargle with the tea several times daily. You can enhance the effectiveness of this tea by adding some calendula flowers and a few sage leaves. Allow to cool.
A tea to eliminate toxins
A mixture of equal parts raspberry leaves, fumitory green parts and dandelion root can purify and detoxify the blood. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1 tsp. of herbal mixture and steep for 10 min. Drink it 3 times a day.
A sitz bath for vaginal discharge
Add a blend of 3 tbsp. each raspberry leaves and white dead-nettle leaves in 1 qt. of water to a sitz bath to aide vaginal discharge.
Healing Tea Mixtures
For abdominal cramps with diarrhea
2 oz. raspberry leaves
1 ½ oz. peppermint
Add 2 tsp. of the herb mixture to a cup of cold water; allow the tea to sit overnight, and then boil it for 10 min and strain. This tea is particularly good for stomachaches caused by stress or anxiety.
For heavy menstrual bleeding
2/3 oz raspberry leaves
2/3 oz oak bark
1/3 oz. yarrow
2/3 oz. wild strawberry leaves
Use 1 tsp. of herb mixture per cup of hot water for a tea or sitz bath. This mixture may normalize menstrual bleeding in a gentle natural way.
For bed wetting
2/3 oz. raspberry leaves
2/3 oz. elder flowers
2/3 oz. chamomile flowers
2/3 oz. linden flowers
Use 1 tsp. of the herb mixture per cup of hot water, strain. This herbal tea will strengthen the bladder muscles and also calm anxiety. Give your child 1-2 cups in the early evening.