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Belladonna (Deadly Nightshade)

One of the most important of the homeopathic remedies, Belladonna has a powerful effect on the heart, lungs and blood vessels, as well as on the brain and nervous system.

Because deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna) is an extremely poisonous plant, eating its sweet, cherry like fruit can lead to severe illness and in the worst cases, death. However, the toxic constituent of belladonna a chemical called atropine, plays an important role in modern pharmacology. Infact, minute doses of atropine are incorporated into many heart medications. In homeopathic medicines, Belladonna is also dispensed in dilute, non toxic doses. This remedy is safely prescribed by homeopaths for a broad range of purposes and is especially helpful for quick relief of fever and in treating coughs, headaches and flu. Like other homeopathic remedies, belladonna is best given to those with particular character traits.

Belladonna Type

The person most likely to benefit fron belladonna is extremely hot-headed and intelligent. Typically, disease strikes unexpectedly, like a bolt from the sky. If treated correctly, symptoms are relieved fairly quickly. Telling features are a very flushed face and shiny skin.

To determine if you are a belladonna type, Check these characteristics that apply to you

  • You are prone to anxiety and plagued by feelings of distress, agitation and uneasiness.
  • Your face becomes strongly flushed by heat.
  • You have throbbing sensations in your head
  • You are nervous and easily excited
  • You sleep restlessly and have nightmares
  • Your arms and legs are cold at the same time that your head is warm.

If you checked more than three items, look below for further information on the types of complaints that belladonna can help.

Therapeutic Effects
Used in its homeopathic form, Belladonna has a calming effect on the central nervous system, the linings of the brain and spinal cord, the upper respiratory passages and the digestive tract. The remedy alleviates restlessness, anxiety and insomnia. It may also help to diminish painful sensitivity to light, touch or pressure.

Principle homeopathic uses.
Belladonna is commonly used to relieve facial flushing or fevers accompanied by shaking, chills or profuse sweating. Other indications include tonsillitis, sore throats, fever induced hallucinations, severe headaches and PMS.

Preparation for the remedy
The leaves, roots and fruit of the belladonna plant are ground up and mixed with alcohol to form the basic tincture, which is then diluted. It is recommended in a potency of 30 C.

Relief from neuralgia (nerve pain)
Belladonna may help alleviate the type of nerve pain that typically begins suddenly, migrates to different areas of the body and just as quickly subsides. The pain may often be sharp or stabbing and can sometimes be temporarily relieved by moving the afflicted area. Redness and swelling of the joints may also accompany the pain.

Symptom Gauge

To find out whether Belladonna is the right remedy for you, the homeopath must know whether your symptoms are affected by any of the conditions listed below.

Sweating and heat
Motion or touch
Warm clothing
Bending forward
Dark Places

Prescribed for fever, gout, stomach and digestive upset, gastritis, inflammations of the brain or spinal cord, menstrual cramps, manic depression, poisoning, headaches, hallucinations and insomnia.



  • Intense anxiety
  • Sensitivity to noise and light
  • Insomnia and daytime sleepiness
  • Aversion to being touched


  • Dry mouth and lack of taste
  • Inflamed mucous membranes
  • Loss of voice, dry throat
  • Bloody secretions from the nose
  • Hypersensitive scalp
  • Hot, throbbing sensations in the head


  • Glassy eyes with dilated pupils
  • Dry, red eyes
  • Extreme sensitivity to sunlight or glare
  • Pulsing pains in the eyes


  • Burning sensations in the skin
  • Bright and shiny skin, with some redness
  • Painful abscesses and inflammations; warts
  • Dry skin; inflamed areas may be sweaty


  • Cold hands or feet (though the rest of the body, particularly the face, feels hot
  • Inflammation in the upper arms or legs
  • Acute pains in the arms; swollen joints
  • Muscle spasms; twitching and jerking