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Back Diagnosis

At the end of the last century, the British Neurologist Sir Henry Head noted that particular illnesses cause characteristic changes in the muscles and skin of the back. From this observation, he created the system called back diagnosis, which is steadily gaining acceptance in natural medicine. This body scheme defines precise reflex zones in the back, each of which corresponds to certain internal organs. By careful inspection of these zones, practitioners of the technique gain information regarding the health of the individual organs. Back diagnosis is grounded partly on human anatomy: in certain segments of the spinal cord, nerves from the surface of the body meet those that emanate from the internal organs. The diagnosis also draws on the ancient traditional Chinese medicine beliefs that organs are connected by energy paths to the surface of the body, and that disruptions in the flow of this energy can lead to illness or disease.

Back massage to promote health
Any invigorating massage can stimulate the reflex zones of the back, improving circulation in trouble areas and energizing the organs connected to that zone. A massage oil should be used to intensify the circulation enhancing effect. To make your own oil, add 5 pinches of ground black pepper, 3 pinches of ground cumin and 5 drops of grapefruit oil to 3 tbsp. of cold pressed sweet almond oil. Mix well.

The examination
With the back bared, the patient sits comfortably on a stool, or lies on table on her stomach, while the diagnostician examines her back under a strong light. At this point in time, must health insures do not reimburse for this type of examination.

How a diagnosis is made
The diagnostician examines the skin and tissue on both sides of the spinal column and looks for any areas that are hard and thickened or contain depressions. He also looks at the color and warmth of the skin. Palpation begins with the first reflex zone, located in the angle between the ear and the nape of the neck, and continues to the last zone, situated near the tailbone.

How tissues vary
Practitioners of back diagnosis refer to hot and cold energy zones. Hot, thickened areas of the back indicate an excessive build-up of energy in the corresponding organ. Cold, sunken areas suggest the organ is suffering from an energy deficiency. According to ancient Chinese beliefs, hot and cold zones are signs of internal imbalance, which may lead to disease.

Extra tip : You can massage the reflex zones of the back yourself by scrubbing your back with a dry, long handled brush. For best results, try to do this regularly.

Used to diagnose circulatory disorders, liver and gallbladder problems, calf cramps, digestive ailments, headaches, varicose veins, insomnia, kidney disease and bladder infections

Further examination
If the examiner detects certain skin or tissue abnormalities, additional diagnostic measures may be performed. These may include further examination of the skin or the use of a blunt needle to test for pain sensitivity.

Treatment options

Assuming the problem the diagnostician finds is not very serious, back diagnosis may lead to therapeutic stimulation of the reflex zones. The stimulation of these specific areas is thought to bring about healing by passing energy through the sensory nerves of the skin to the spinal cord. From there, the energy passes on to the individual organs. To stimulate the reflex zones, various natural methods, such as massage therapy or wrapping the back in hot and cold compresses may be utilized.

The reflex zones

1. Left Kidney
2. right kidney (especially useful for diagnosing headaches due to kidney dysfunction)
3. heart (rhythm disorder)
4. Gallbladder (gallstones)
5. Left tonsil
6. right tonsil
7. Left and right Lung
8. stomach (gastritis)
9. Heart (racing heartbeat and anxiety)
10. stomach (heartburn)
11. Liver (cholesterol problems)
12. gallbladder (intestinal cramps)
13. Duodenum
14. Pancreas
15. Left Kidney
16. Right Kidney (kidney disease and kidney stone)
17. Intestinal tract
18. Left ovary
19. right ovary
20. Genitalia
21. Bladder (infections)