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Iris Diagnosis

The eye is especially fascinating. Cove3red by a transparent layer called the cornea, it is the only organ in the body through which one can catch a glimpse of the living tissue inside. In the mid-nineteenth century, the Hungarian physician and homeopath Ignaz von Peczely explored the relationship between the eye and the body's internal organs and founded the diagnostic technique called iridology. It is based on the belief that e very organ and area of the body is reflected by a specific place on the iris-the colored part of the eye. Any changes in the shape, color or structure of the iris are believed to provide clues to underlying medical disorders. Iridology also supplies information concerning a patient's general health and well-being, genetic strengths and weaknesses, susceptibility to disease or even hidden causes of past or present symptoms. With iridology, a painless diagnosis can be made and the right treatment for the ailment planned.

Examining the iris
To examine the iris for diagnostic purposes, the iridologist uses a special microscope. The instrument contains a high-resolution lens, a lamp and a camera that illuminate the iris, magnifying the image 6-35 times and providing very clear picture of the iris. The presence of any flecks or ray-shaped fibers indicates weaknesses in the iris and suggests underlying disease. The examination causes no discomfort.

The examination:
The iridologist uses a special index card that schematically divides both eyes into specific zones. Each zone corresponds to a particular system, organ or area of the body. The procedure does not usually takes only a few minutes, although several follow-up visits may be a few hundred dollars and its efficacy is unproven.

How a diagnosis is made
The diagnostician peers through the corner in order to spot any deposits or changes in color, shape or thickness in the iris. Signs of disease in a distant organ include areas that have becomes thickened, light yellow discolorations or the presence of bright orange, brown or beep black specks of pigment in the iris.

The viewpoint of mainstream medicine
Traditional medical doctors study changes in the eyes for signs of internal disease. Yellowing of the eyes, for example, is recognized as an early indication of liver disease. However, few doctors accept the basic claims of iridology, in part because iridology is based on anecdotal experience rather than rigorous scientific study.

Extra tip : Some iridologists take a series of photographs over subsequent office visits. In this way, the iridologist can look for specific changes in the iris to determine whether a course of treatment is working.

Used to diagnose acute disorders, chronic conditions and hereditary predispositions to disease.

The basic constitutions

Although everyone's irises are unique, iridology divides patients into 3 general groups. These are based on eye color and suggest predispositions to specific disorders.

  • Blue eyes
    Lymphatic constitution: The patient has light, sensitive skin and a tendency to develop tonsillitis, swollen glands, sinus infections, bronchitis and allergies.
  • Brown eyes
    Hematogenic constitution: The patient has dark skin and hair is hot-tempered and has weak circulation. This constitution tends to have liver and bile disorders, circulatory and skin diseases, varicose veins and thromboses.
  • Gray-green-brownish eyes
    Dyscratic constitution: The patient has light, blemished skin and tends to have increased mucus, active sweat glands, metabolic disorders and digestive complaints.

Areas associated with the right eye

1. Eye, sinuses
2. Mouth and throat area
3. Thyroid gland, thymus
4. Liver, diaphragm
5. Spinal column, bladder
6. Uterus, kidneys
7. Hip, fallopian tube, ovaries
8. Collarbone, right arm
9. Lung, right half of heart
10. Neck and shoulder region
11. Cerebrum and cerebellum
12. Pituitary, pineal gland

A. Psychological brain
B. Face
C. Throat
D. Upper back
E. Lower back
F. Pelvic area
G. Lower abdomen
H. Upper abdomen
I. Thorax
J. Lungs
K. Neck
L. Physiological brain