Ear Ache |
Remedy (Nuskhe)
- Boil well 1 teaspoon lasan (garlic) in 2 tablespoons gingelly oil (til ka tel). Cool and filter. Use as ear drops (2 to 3 drops).
- Mix a few drops of lemon juice in 1 teaspoon lukewarm water. Put 4 drops of this into the ear.
- Use neem leaf juice as ear drops.
- Peel 2 flakes of garlic (lasan) and mix with 2 tablespoon of mustard oil (sarson ka tel). Heat on low flame. When the garlic starts burning and turns blackish, remove oil from fire. Strain through a clean muslin cloth. Dip a piece of cotton wool in warm oil and squeeze in 2-3 drops of oil into the ear.
- Put 3-4 drops of the juice extracted out of tulsi leaves.
- Warm ¼ teaspoon mustard oil (sarson ka tel) and pour it in the ear. Thereafter, dip a piece of cotton wool in the oil and plug it in the ear.
Remedy (Nuskhe)
- To ease earache while travelling by air, close your mouth, hold your nose tight and blow your nose very gently. This trick equalizes the air pressure in the middle ear.
- Another way is to act as if you are swallowing something.